"Bonsai" Text Mask

"Bonsai" Text Mask




“Bonsai is not about creating a small tree; it is about creating a small universe.” – Kobayashi Issa

“Bonsai is not about creating a small tree; it is about creating a small universe.” – Kobayashi Issa

“Bonsai is not about creating a small tree; it is about creating a small universe.” – Kobayashi Issa

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“Bonsai is like poetry, it takes time and patience to shape something beautiful.”

“Bonsai is like poetry, it takes time and patience to shape something beautiful.”

Masahiko Kimura

Masahiko Kimura

“Bonsai embodies the craft of visualizing a tree's potential and directing its growth toward that vision.” – Unknown

“Bonsai is an art that uses nature as its inspiration and humans as its tool.” – Unknown